Boat Trips to See Fungie
The Dingle Dolphin
Boat Trips to See Fungie
The Dingle Dolphin
Fungie The Dingle Dolphin
The Dingle Dolphin or Fungie (the name
given to him by the fishermen), is a fully-grown, possibly middle-aged male bottlenose, Tursiops Truncatus. He weighs in around
one-quarter ton (500 lbs.) and measures in the
region of four meters (13 feet). Although it is
by no means unique to find these usually
social, open creatures living alone in a
“restricted” zone and befriending humans, it is
still a relatively rare world event, and Fungie is
Ireland’s first recorded occurrence. From
observation of playful body scarring, it seems he does still frequently encounter other whales, dolphins, or porpoises, proving perhaps that he is neither true hermit nor outcast from his own kind, but rather that he is
simply content with his current circumstances.
No one really knows why some of these
creatures suddenly take to a solitary way of
life, but perhaps his insistence in maintaining it
and physical conditions would at least
indicate the area is a welcoming home with
not too many natural dangers.
During the summer months, Fungie is often seen taking fish in the harbor’s mouth. On
several occasions he has been seen
catching a fish commonly known as a
“Garfish,” a species which had not been
previously recorded as part of a dolphin’s diet.
During the winter months he must travel further afield for his nourishment.
Not only is Dingle the home to an
exceptionally friendly bottlenose
dolphin named Fungie, it is also the
location of a Boatmen’s Association
which serves as a wonderful example
of sharing and cooperation.
Fungie has chosen to make the Dingle Harbor his home since 1983. In 1990, fully-licensed boat owners formed a cooperative association to bring
visitors out in the harbor to see Fungie.
Nine boats form the Dingle Boatmen’s Association. Throughout the day, boats leave the Dingle Pier to see Fungie all year round to see Fungie wild and free in his natural habitat.
Group bookings and school tours are
also arranged. Special events such
as weddings and birthday gatherings
are often conducted.
Visitors on the tour greatly appreciate
that there is no charge if Fungie is
not seen.
There is a one-hour boat trip to see
Fungie each day.
Twelve Years and Over: 16 euros
Under twelve years: 8 euros
Fares collected on boat
Phone: 00 353 66 9152626
Swimming Trips
With Fungie
There is a two-hour early morning swimming trip offered when there are
six interested individuals.
Full wetsuit hire is available at Brosnans, Coleen, Dingle
Booking in advance is essential.
Phone: 00 353 66 9151146
Jimmy Flannery Jr. is the Chairman of the Dingle
Boatmen’s Association and the skipper of Steren An Mor.
Gillian and Joe help with Fungie Boat Tours.
Skipper Tom Sheehy of the Lady Laura.
Tom and Joe of the Lady Laura
Bridget and Jimmy Flannery Jr.